July 28th 1997
Mr Robin Blythe-Lord, Principal Lecturer and Course Leader of Interactive and Broadcast Media at Manchester Metropolitan University, visited SPES this week. He is an Interactive Multimedia Designer and was most interested to see the proposed project for the SPES Acadamy that seeks to help disadvantaged children and school dropouts through HiTech solutions.
He made proposals for specific software to be developed to help these children. Software that would educate not just test, programmes that were relevant to the country and the end user and that use the craft education and training background of SPES to reinforce reading, writing and numeracy skills. It is planned that these programmes will also encourage in the children an entrepreneurial crafts spirit.
A prototype programme was designed using Director and Course Builder that demonstrated the principles. There is a long way to go yet but an exciting start has been made.
Two screen shots from the prototype programme: