International News of importance to Craftspeople of the World

UNESCO and ITC (International Trade Center) organised an International Symposium on “Crafts and the International Market: Trade and Customs Codification” (Manila, Philippines, 6 – 8 October 97), the SPES representative had interesting encounters with participants from 35 countries and most of them seemed eager that the children of their countries join in the SPES Cyber Crafted Animal Toys Story/Play Competition. It is very exciting, so children, you all have to be exceptionally creative.

There were long fruitful discussions at this Manila Symposium on Copyright and the protection of creativity and also on artisanal Categories, Training and Product Trade avenues.


Center for International Trade Exposition and Mission organised the Manila F.A.M.E. International 26th Gifts and Houseware Market Week (9-12 October 97). The theme, quoting:


encouraged Design freedom and the Designer displays consisted of a myriad of colourful products:- Gifts, Houseware, Domestics and Textile, Fashion Accessories and Leathergoods, Christmas and other Holiday decor, Toys and Games, Handmade Paper and Paper-converted items and Artitificial Plants and Dried Flowers.
All the crafted products had a global contemporary appeal and the displays of over 600 stands were also quite creative and artistic – a real feast to the eyes and to the buyers and the visitors.

Is it not wonderful that there is an accrued interaction in the cultural and socio economic importance of Crafts development in all our Regions?

Do keep up contact and exchange your views on the above Crafts topics.

now just exactly where are we?

As many of our Cybernauts friends suggested we include a map situating our Small Tropical Mauritian Islands hereunder a world map, we are in relation to you possibly miles away but Internet connectivity takes only seconds for us to be in colse communication! A Wonder of our times.

The pink dots indicates the ten SPES full-time activity Craft Centres