The limelight of the month was a learning/sharing demonstrations session which took place at the SPES Vocational and Multimedia Centre for trainees of all ages and needs. This event was organised by the SPES team of Teachers/Assessors who carry out pedagogical skill assessments on the use of IT methodologies. To be noted that the SPES canteen provided tea and cakes, which contributed largely to a relaxed teaching and learning atmosphere enjoyed by all participants.

As an ice-breaker the SPES canteen provided tea and cakes. This created a relaxed teaching and learning atmosphere.

The “virtual pictorama” illustrates Computer Aided Learning in Multi-literacy skills that integrates ICT – Information & Communication Technologies – and Crafts skills.

As the SPES guests were from the “Vivre Debout” group, we used some of our newly comfortable computer table accessories we designed, which proved suitable also for the use of special computer keyboards and a new user-friendly cordless mouse to facilitate hand movement for people with specific motor needs.

It was a pleasant “hands-on” experience for all the visitors present. A 14 year-old (on the right) who has been learning computer literacy at SPES for some time also enjoyed sharing her newly acquired skills.

The visitors being specialists in book-binding were delighted to learn some internet and e-commerce techniques. A TV was also used to encourage interactivity as we were a group of mixed abilities.

A surprise email arrived for the Vivre Debout group and they were all very amused to read the internet message the SPES Textile and Straw-work weavers suggesting that they try to use for their book-binding activities the SPES newly hand-made fibrework.

A lively dialogue on micro-enterprises and Marketing ensued on designer gift products employing the plant fibre extracts SPES produces as a follow-up of the research findings, described on SPES website July update the direct link is:

This Multi-literacy skill session ended with a light lunch and the resolution to find adequate national resources and to be able to continue our specialised IT training.