To mark the 37th Anniversary of NGO SPES devoted non-profit skills training at grassroots level in collaboration with WorldSpace we carried out a Worldwide Première Innovative Multimedia Presentation. However, it took place after many days and hours of preparation and testing several e-tools, satellite radios and even a new miniature satellite car radio.

This historic event took place on 14th September 2004 and we were able to diffuse simultaneously to 4 Mauritian sites at Batterie Cassée, Camp Carol, 16e Mile and Tamarin.

We now know that we have the e-readiness to extend the CLASS system at nationwide level using the appropriate teaching material content our Design Training Unit created.

Furthermore, we can also operate on an offshore basis to the soliciting African countries. Specially, as our SPES Pluri-lingual and Multi-literacy Global Village Development Project in modular form to outreach work to train community-based teachers and adolescents and adults in need of learning literacy, numeracy to bridge the digital divide.

Solar mobile setup

SPES was delighted that its solar mobile panels could operate several laptops computers, a printer, a TV with internet and email, a light, a mobile telephone and a hot plate.