The SPES Craftspeople and Trainers were delighted to have the visit of the new Minister of Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives who showed an interest in the 19 natural fibres SPES uses for their designer crafts. SPES uses computer CAD – Computer Aided Design for most of their artistic woven as well as hand-printed fibre products – illustrated in the photos. SPES is now known also for its pottery coordinates that match their hand-weavings.

The Minister showing an interest in the local fibres database
Pottery and hand-weaving SPES coordinates
Some objects made from stems of sugarcane 
A combination of cotton yarn and sanseveria woven into a bag
Paul, our potter, with a passion for music now composes music using the computer
Rural ladies weaving a computer design on a semi-computerized loom
Knowledgeable in textiles our guest appreciating the quality of the SPES woven designs with a Mauritian identity