
During the month of June five of the SPES Vocational Trainers had the opportunity to learn from a leading visiting UK specialized teacher who is also an expert for teaching people with dyslexia reading problems the phonological and multi-sensory UNITS of Sound an excellent e-learning system to teach basic literacy that can Alleviate Poverty amongst the thousands of illiterate teenagers and illiterate adults in need of re-skilling.


On-going activities at in-house level for continuous training skills amongst our Members and our Staff was carried out on “Validation of Prior Work Knowledge” and we had the honour of having as “Guest Speaker” the Honourable Dr. Vasant Bunwaree, Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, who clarified the future certification processing of Prior Learning and Work Experience.

The Minister of Labour encouraging exposé was followed by a SPES brief Power Point projection on the “units of Sound” teaching scheme that SPES plans to launch soon at public demand in view of the fact that it has an e-learning support and stimulating interactivity and provides courses for trainers and learners.

At the tea break as papaya is excellent for people with dyslexia, Dr. Bunwaree performed the presentation of Papaya plants to the SPES 33 Mastercrafts trainers to celebrate the fact that the SPES STRAW UNIT was finally launching an innovative eco-product line made from hand-platted papaya fibre and this after having invented its extraction and tested its successful shelf-life during the past 2 years for Quality Control.