During the ADEA – Association for the Development of Education in Africa Conference locally held (26th – 28th November), NGO SPES young psychologist Elodie Mariette had the pleasure to present a 10 minute PowerPoint on our Multi-Literacy Training Activities.
The next day, 27th November, a field visit at NGO SPES has been organised by Dr. Sushita Ramdoo, for 40 Delegates to see Live Demonstrations by Sweeta Choony on “La Planète des Alphas” quick-literacy modules course to which our Hi-tech Unit added several multimedia system, like the e-tutor system linkage to several students computer screens.
On display also, SAYA a KobaLab Humanoid Android Robot that is life-size and can e-tutor basic science practical lessons in several languages, as it is controlled by an operator – in the SPES case a pedagogical psychologist mans in the control room behind a one amber mirrored window and can make SAYA move her head, eyes and, have her emotional and facial expressions.
Some souvenir photos of the 40 Delegates from 14 African Countries, 4 from EU and one from Canada, the others were Mauritians who seem keen to view the SPES Eco-Crafts products.