Visit of Honourable Minister Putten

  • February 29, 2004

SPES hosted a special day on 12th February 2004 for the Honourable Auroomooga Putten, Minister of Local Government and Rodrigues as well Muncipality Mayors, Deputy Mayors and other distinguished guests to show a revolutionary system of distance learning in which SPES had the opportunity to participate. In view of


“A la Carte” Radio recording

  • October 31, 2003

What fun we had during the RADIO 1 recording session of 45 minutes that took place at the SPES KIDS Multimedia Teacher Trainees classroom. To quote Jean Marie FRANK RICHARD the humorous broadcaster and his technician they felt “they were in an Alice & Wonderland decor” amidst colourful computers,


” Allez Moris “

  • August 31, 2003

Keep Fit SPES facilities In order to encourage Girls and Ladies NGO SPES organized a “Hi-tec Cybercafé on Games and Healthy Exercises”, as our 2nd contribution to the promotion of the JIOI Games for all invited Youth to learn the various Sports rules. They also acquired comptuer finger dexterity


Floreal/Mangalkhan Computer Festival

  • April 30, 2003

The Rotary Club of Curepipe in collaboration with the Floreal Youth & Sports Centre and NGO SPES organized a Multimedia Festival on 26 April 2003. After 2 hours the SPES Vocational & Multimedia Teachers discreetly stood back while the children took over playing at the special computer games tables
